
A Team of Legal Experts, Consultants, and Accountants

"Labor rights have been historically oppressed, and remain an unresolved issue. Nobody has been able to find a fundamental solution to these problems, making it clear that they are extremely complex to solve. rYojbaba was created to approach these difficulties head-on through innovative holistic solutions."

Ryoji Baba signature

Executive Profiles

Ryoji Baba Representative Director

He became the CEO of rYojbaba Co., Ltd. in March 2022. He obtained qualifications as a social insurance labor consultant and administrative scrivener in 2002, and as an administrative scrivener in 2006. He obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering from Nihon University in 2003. Since then, he has served as a director and advisor for companies, including listed companies. In April 2023, he also became an advisor for OneGoal Law Firm, a law firm recognized by the Cambodian government.

Satoshi Saito Director

He will be appointed as a director of rYojbaba Co., Ltd. in March 2022. Since 2001, he has been engaged in accounting audits and stock listing support at member firms of PWC and EY (Japanese corporations). From 2009, he was seconded to the Cabinet Office for about two years, where he contributed to reducing expenditures as a senior policy researcher. After becoming independent as a certified public accountant in 2015, he served as CFO at several companies and led over 10 M&A and organizational restructuring projects. He also successfully led the IPOs of several companies in positions such as director, contributing to improving corporate value.

Yusuke Hirata Director

He will be appointed as a director of rYojbaba Co., Ltd. in March 2024. From December 2007 to October 2022, he worked at EY ShinNihon LLC. He obtained a bachelor's degree in economics from Waseda University in 2004 and a master's degree in accounting from Waseda University in 2007. He has been a certified public accountant in Japan since 2007 and a certified public accountant in the United States since 2022. From October 2014 to March 2016, he was seconded to the NY office and was responsible for audits of NYSE-listed companies.

Sanshiro Shimamura Full-time Auditor

He will be appointed as an auditor of rYojbaba Co., Ltd. in March 2024. He graduated from Fukuoka Medical Health and Sports College in 2005 and joined Sakai Osteopathic Clinic Nishi Co., Ltd. in 2006.

Kensuke Okabe Outside Auditor

After joining Yamaha Corporation in 2005, he worked at EY ShinNihon LLC from 2008 to 2014, where he was involved in IPO support, IFRS quality control, and statutory audits. During his tenure, he was seconded to the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), where he gained experience in formulating accounting standards both in Japan and overseas. After leaving EY, he worked at a technology venture company, where he was listed on NASDAQ and served as CFO. He will be independent in August 2023 and provide a variety of accounting services. He is responsible for general accounting work such as accounting standard conversion (USGAAP, IFRS), financial statement preparation support, US listing support, and statutory audit response. He is a graduate of the University of Tokyo and a certified public accountant. He lives in Japan.

Hideki Nakamura Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member

He will be appointed as an auditor for rYojbaba Co., Ltd. in March 2024. In 2005, while still a university student, he participated in the founding of subLime Co., Ltd. In 2008, he joined Venture Link Co., Ltd. In 2009, he became the vice president of subLime Co., Ltd. Since then, he has acquired more than 10 companies and grown the company to 450 stores with annual sales of 30 billion yen.